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Compliance and enforcement



I. Notice of Violation:  Responsibility for issuing violation notices will rest with the General Manager and/or his designee.


A. Warning Notice:  Depending on the nature of the violation, severity of the offense and ability for corrective action to be taken, a verbal and/or written warning may be issued for a violation. Warning notice shall include a time limit for corrective action to be taken.  A record of the notice shall be reported to the GLC Board at its next meeting.


B. Notice of Violation:  A written Notice of Violation bearing the signature of the Chair (or Vice-Chair) of the A & Z Committee shall be prepared and hand-delivered or mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to such Owner at his or her last known mailing address.  The Notice of Violation shall include:


1. A statement, in reasonable detail, of the factual nature of any alleged violations, along with the Section number of any portion of the Governing Documents allegedly violated; 

2. The nature of the action proposed to be taken against such Owner, including the dollar amount of any fine which could be imposed under the Schedule of Fines approved by the Board;

3. A date by which the Owner must mail or deliver a written Request For Hearing to GLC to contest the imposition of the proposed sanction (which date must be not less than 14 days following the delivery of the Notice of Violation) along with the address to which such Request For Hearing must be sent; and

4. A date, which is not less than 30 days following the delivery of the Notice of Violation, upon which the sanction would be imposed in the event that no hearing is requested by the Owner.


II. Form and Contents of Request for Hearing:  Where a fine or Special Assessment for misconduct is proposed, or when a suspension of membership privileges for violation of the Governing Documents is proposed, or in any other case where the Board, in its discretion, deems necessary or advisable, an allegedly offending Owner shall be afforded the opportunity for a hearing by the Board to determine the appropriateness of the action proposed to be taken.  A hearing will be governed by the procedure set forth below:


A. Request for Hearing:  The request for hearing shall be made in writing, shall be signed by or on behalf of the Owner, and shall contain a brief statement of any reasons known to the Owner that the proposed sanction should not be imposed.


B. Establishment of a Hearing Date:  In the event that a hearing is requested by an Owner, no sanction shall be imposed until the requested hearing is held.  Upon receipt from an Owner of a Request for Hearing, a Notice of Hearing shall be prepared and hand-delivered, or mailed to such Owner by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested.  The Notice of Hearing shall include the location, date and time of the hearing.


C. Hearing Procedures:  At the hearing, the President, or his or her designee, shall preside.  The hearing shall be conducted generally in accordance with the requirements for Meetings of the Board as provided in the Bylaws.  Any Director who feels that it would be impossible to be fair, objective and unbiased in the proceedings shall disqualify himself or herself prior to the commencement of the hearing.  Both the Owner who is the subject of the hearing and GLC may be represented by counsel.  Minutes shall be taken and, if requested by either GLC or the Owner, the hearing may be recorded either stenographically, or by audio or video tape or equivalent means.  After receiving proof of the giving of the two Notices required by the Bylaws, factual evidence in support of the allegation that a violation has occurred will be received.  Live testimony from witnesses with personal knowledge shall be received where practicable.  Affidavits or declarations in the form required by RCW 9A.72.085 may, however, be received in lieu of live testimony as the interests of justice may require, and formal adherence to legal rules of evidence shall not be required.  Thereafter, evidence from the Owner, in defense or toward mitigation, shall be received.  Any rebutting evidence may then be received.  Legible copies of all documentary evidence received shall be attached to the minutes of the hearing.  At the close of the evidence, both sides shall have the opportunity for legal argument.


D. Default:  In the event that the Owner fails to appear at the hearing, (s)he may be deemed to be in default, and upon receipt of proof of delivery of both of the Notices required under the Bylaws, and upon receipt of any satisfactory evidence that establishes the existence of the violation, the Board may render its decision forthwith.


E. Continuances:  In its discretion, if the interests of justice appear to require, the Board may continue the hearing at the request of either the Owner or any other affected party, for such reasonable period not to exceed thirty (30) days, as may be deemed necessary.


F. Decision:  The Board may issue its decision at the close of the hearing, or may adjourn and render its decision at a later date, not to exceed thirty (30) days following the date of the hearing or any continuation thereof.  The decision shall be in writing, but need not contain detailed findings of fact or conclusions of law, and shall be delivered or mailed to the Owner and his or her attorney on the date of issuance.  The original copy of the decision shall be dated and signed by the presiding Officer, and filed among the minutes of the Board of Directors.  


G. Assurance of Voluntary Compliance in Lieu of Hearing:  The Board may, with or without holding a hearing and at any time prior to rendering its Decision, accept from the Owner an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance in lieu of further proceedings, subject to such terms and conditions as may appear reasonable.


H. Alternative Forms of Dispute Resolution Authorized:  In addition to the rights, remedies and procedures described above, GLC may, with the consent of an affected Owner and/or any other interested party, agree to resolve any dispute through mediation, binding or non-binding arbitration, or such other alternative dispute resolution mechanism as may be deemed appropriate, at the discretion of the Board.


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In Office Hours

Tuesday 8:30 to 4:30 pm

Wednesday (member appointments) 12:00 to 4:00 pm

Thursday 8:30 to 4:30 pm



Monday 8:30 to 4:30 pm

Wednesday 8:30 to 12:00 pm

Friday 8:30 to 4:30 pm


Telephone:  360-595-2061


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Copyright 2021 Glenhaven Lakes Club Inc.  |  Website Design and Photography by Peter James Web Design Studio |  Designer: Louisa Firethorne

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