tenant-landlord info

TENANTS will be defined as up to three unrelated individuals as listed on the master lease. “Tenants family” Will be defined as tenants, tenants spouse, their children, their children’s, their children’s spouses, and their grandchildren, provided these family members reside with the tenants. Only ONE “tenants Family” Per property can qualify for member access privileges.
The property owner (landlord) must be a member in good standing.
They provide the property owners last name and phone number.
They provide their last name and address.
1. Should become informed about GLC's Governing Documents and Rules & Regulations.
Remember: While renting or leasing in Glenhaven, tenants are subject to the same rules and regulations as the members.
2. All billing for dues and water fees will be sent to the property owner. Tenants and landlords will need to determine who will be responsible for paying these bills and ensure they are paid on time.
1. Should provide tenants with copies of GLC's Governing Documents and Rules & Regulations. These are available at the administration office or on the website.
2. Should provide tenant with relevant information on paying dues and/or water if appropriate.
Remember: Dues and water bills will continue to be sent to and are the responsibility of the member.
3. Are responsible for the actions of their tenants and guests, including notices of violation.
4. Must be in good standing for their tenants to use the GLC amenities, including the pool.
5. Should verify with the administration office that their tenant has paid all invoices they are responsible for prior to refunding the tenant's security deposit.
6. All billing for dues and water fees will be sent to the property owner. Tenants and landlords will need to determine who will be responsible for paying these bills and ensure they are paid on time.